By default, all users access
Azure web applications via their HTML5 compactible browser using Microsoft URL
which is the same for all customers (
Being that this URL is
a bit long, and it is not quite easy to memorise, it would be helpful to set a Custom
URL using the corporate domain name. Something like
or any preferred subdomain name.
In this article, Azure
Functions will be leveraged to allow you to execute your code in a serverless
compute platform using the consumption plan pricing includes a monthly free
grant of 1 million requests, this would save you from the hassle of creating, configuring,
and securing an IIS virtual machine and well as the cost of compute.
Below are topics covered in this article:
Create an Azure
Function App
Create a Function App HTTPTrigger
Enable Azure Function
App Proxy
Create Azure Function
App Proxy
Create Custom domain
Update DNS service with
custom CNAME records
to and sign in
with your credentials.
2. In
the App search bar, type Function App and select the Function App service.
3. Click “+ Create” to
create a Function App in the Azure Portal
or create a new Resource Group
a name to the Function App
the “Do you want to deploy code or container image?” section, select “Code”
the Runtime stack, choose .NET and select version 6 (LTS)
the desire region to deploy the Function App
the Operating System, choose Windows
the Hosting plan, choose Consumption (Serverless)
“Next: Storage >” create or select a storage account
5. In
the Storage Tab, select an existing storage account for the Function App or
create a new one. Click “Next: Networking >”
the Monitoring Tab, select “Yes” to enable Application Insights. Select an existing
Application Insights workspace or create a new workspace. Click on “Next :
Deployment >”
8. In
the Deployment Tab, select either “Enable” if you want to push the code from a
Git repository. If not choose Disable and click “Next: Tags >” to proceed.
9. In
the Tag tab, assign tags to the resources and click “Next : Review + Create
>” to review and create the Azure Function App
10. Review the configuration and click “Create”
to create the Function App
a Function App HTTP Trigger
11. Go to the newly created Function App and
click the “Create in Azure Portal” button to select the environment to use in
configuring the Function App.
• Choose
the option to develop in the Portal
• Choose
the HTTP trigger as the desired template to use
• Assign
a name to the new trigger function
• In
the Authorization level, select “Function”
• Click
“Create” to create the Function App Trigger
12. In the Function App page, go to the Overview page and click
on the newly created Trigger to open it
13. At the left pane of the Trigger page, click on the “Code
+ Test” Tab and paste the .NET code into the run.csx directory and click “Save”
to save the pasted code.
The .NET script can be downloaded from here:
Remember to edit the underlined URLs with your custom URL and the target URL of the web application.
14. Click “Get Function URL” and copy the function URL
Azure Function App Proxy
15. In left hand pane of the Function App page, click on “Configuration”
Under the “Application settings” tab, click “+
New application setting”
16. In the “Add/Edit application setting”
page, in the “Name” field, type “AzureWebJobsFeatureFlags”, and in the “Value”
field type “EnableProxies” to enable the proxy feature. (This is disabled by
default in version 4.x of Azure Function App). Click OK and Save the new configuration
on the FUNCTIONS_EXTENSION_VERSION flag and change the version of the Function
App to version 3 (this activates the Proxies Feature of the function app)
17. In the left pane of the Function App, click on “Proxies”
Click “+ Add” to add a new proxy parameters
a name to the proxy parameter
the route template field type “/” to route all traffic from the custom URL to
the backend URL (the target URL configured in the Function App HttpTrigger using
.NET script).
the “Allowed HTTP methods” field, choose “All methods”
the “Backend URL” paste the Function app URL copied in step 14 of this guidance
Create to add the newly create proxy.
Add the custom domain
18. At the left-hand side of the Function App page, click
on “Custom domain”
• Click
“+ Add Custom domain”
• In
the “Domain Provider” option, choose “All other domain services” to type the
custom domain name as desired
• In
the “TLS/SSL certificate” option, choose App Service Managed Certificate to use
Azure managed certificate or select “Add certificate later to upload custom
certificate later
• In
TLS/SSL type, choose the SNI SSL option to ensure the web app URL is accessible
by all modern browsers
• In
the “Domain” field, type in the custom domain name that users will use to
access the web app
19. In the Domain validation section, copy the CNAME &
TXT record and create corresponding records in the DNS service of the domain
20. Click “Validate” to validate the records are created
correctly and click “Add” to add the record to Azure custom domain
21. Click on “Add binding” on the custom domain page to
bind an SSL certificate to the domain.
· Choose “Create App Service Managed Certificate”
to use Azure Managed certificate or select “Upload certificate (.pfx)” to
upload custom certificate
Click Validate to validate
the certificate
Click Add to bind the
certificate to the subdomain name
At this point, you
would have successfully validated that you own the domain and the hostname is
available. So go ahead and test the connection to the Azure web app using the
custom URL that you used in this guide.
I hope you find this article helpful and I would like to read from you so drop your comment.